Solving Homing Issues in Servo Motors
When a servo motor returns to its home position but lands at two different spots a full rotation apart, experienced professionals often suggest adjusting the home switch rather than the Z-phase, which is typically more difficult to move. Here’s how to approach solving these homing issues.
Adjusting the Home Switch Position
The home switch is easier to adjust as it is externally mounted, unlike the Z-phase that is fixed to the motor. Moving the home switch can provide a better timing and spacing buffer for the Z-phase signal during motor acceleration and deceleration, ensuring more reliable detection.
Checking the Grating Scale Value
The grating scale or pulse count per revolution of the encoder should ideally be half of the lead’s pitch. This setting helps achieve the best balance between responsiveness and precision. Both higher and lower values can adversely affect the system’s performance.
Steps for Adjustment
- Positioning the Home Switch: Adjust the home switch to a position that provides sufficient space and time from the Z-phase trigger point. This helps the controller reliably capture the Z-phase signal without missing it during fast movements.
- Grating Scale Settings: If the grating scale setting is inappropriate, consider adjusting the encoder settings or opting for a different encoder to improve control accuracy and responsiveness.
- Field Testing: After making adjustments, conduct field tests to determine if the changes have improved stability and consistency in homing. Ensure that the Z-phase signal is no longer missed.
- Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment: Homing precision might require multiple adjustments. Continuously monitor system performance and make necessary tweaks based on real-world operations.
These steps should help you refine the setup and adjustment of your servo system’s home switch and Z-phase position, enhancing the overall performance and reliability of the system. If these adjustments fail to resolve the issues, further technical support or hardware replacement may be necessary.
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