PLC | Motor gear belt, electronic gear ratio of the algorithm

Electronic gear ratio is defined: It is hoped a number of pulses = distance moving parts (Input 1 pulse = pulse number of the motor will go (travel))
Therefore, the belt teeth, pitch not the focus, Do not also counted out. (Circle if the actual number of teeth of course, is the best.)

Key: 1 pulse to go much distance.
1 gear ratio of 1:1 in the case. 2. We must know how much input pulse (# 1), the motor will run a lap. (Motor size) 3 orders to walk around the motor. (Need to confirm whether there is a walk around the motor.) 4 test objects moving distance (# 2)
If you want a pulse to go 1um Electronic gear ratio denominator = # 2 Molecular electronic gear ratio = # 1
If you want a pulse to go 0.5um = (1um / 2) Electronic gear ratio denominator = # 2 Molecular electronic gear ratio = # 1 / 2
Example: Circle = 10000 pulse motor, screw pitch = 5mm
1 set gear ratio = 1:1 2 pulse input 1000 (# 1) 3 Confirm the motor with a turn 4 objects move 5mm (# 2)
Results: To set a pulse = 1um
Electronic gear ratio denominator = 5000um = 5mm Than the molecular electronic wheel wheel = 10000
When the pulse input 10 000 10000 (input pulse number) x [10000 (molecule) / 5000 (denominator)] == 20000 pulse (motor will actually walk)
Motor will actually get to go 20000 pulse = 2 laps = 2x5mm = 10mm = 10000um # #
