NC Device Architecture and Technology

C embedded Nc architecture: The structure is based on the traditional structure,
embedded PC, its purpose is not only inherited the accumulation of numerical
software for many years, but also use PC-rich software resources. More complex
structure of such systems. PC-based architecture: The structure is based on
standard PC = machine's hardware is based on a general-purpose operating
system (such as Windows, LINIX, etc.) developed by the support of
 real-time multi-task system, the realization of a variety of numerical functions.
It is widely used in modern numerical control device architecture,
based on the structure of NC devices with high performance and low cost and
long vitality.
 A typical PC-based CNC visual architecture in Figure 1, the hardware block
diagram in Figure 2.

Figure 1 CNC visual map The following functions to discuss
the plan from 8-4 in the role of the various hardware modules.

1. Computer motherboards and system bus board (motherboard) computer
 motherboard is the core of CNC devices, as is PC-based architecture, the
 hardware modules are compatible with standard PC-bus. The aim is to use
 PC-rich software and hardware resources, improve the system adaptability
and openness. Lower prices, reduce new product development cycle.
CNC equipment and computer systems of ordinary commercial PC,
 in the realization of a slightly different structure. Starting from the system's
 reliability, its board and motherboard are separated, that is,
the system bus is a single passive motherboard, motherboard is made of
card forms, and more integrated, so-called ALL-IN-ONE motherboard.
This board includes the following functional structure: CPU chips and peripheral chips.
 memory unit, cache and peripheral chips.
communication interface (serial, parallel port, keyboard interface).
soft and hard drive interfaces. The composition of the functional principle and
 the principle of common micro-computer exactly the same, not repeat them here.
 The main role of the computer motherboard is.
Input to the CNC device in a variety of data, information (parts processing,
 various I / O information, etc.) for the corresponding arithmetic and logic operations,
 and in accordance with the results of their treatment,
 to control commands issued by other functional modules, data transmission,
 so that the user's instructions are carried out.

Figure 2 CNC device hardware structure
System bus (motherboard) is the digital information transmitted by a
 group composedof the physical wire, it is the CNC device to exchange
data or informationwithin the channel, the composition of principle
and the principle of common micro-computer exactly the same.
 Pc as a general industrial machine is
independent of the passive bus, four-layer motherboard printed circuit board,
 that is,on both sides of the plate alignment surface for the signal line,
while in the middle for the power supply and ground, the reliability
of more than two board.
 The specification of 6 slots, 8 slots, 12 slots and 14 slots, etc.,
the user can function under the CNC device to select the number plate.

2. Display module display module that graphics card is a highly versatile module.
In the CNC device, CRT display is a very important function,
 it is an important human-machine communication medium,
to provide users with an intuitive operating environment,
allowing users to quickly familiar with its operation.
 The main role of graphics card are: to receive control commands from the CPU,
and display the data used,
the scan with the CRT signal modulated to produce the required CRT
Display video signals from the CRT's electron gun to scan the screen,
resulting in screen required.Graphics card not ready for this hardware
 on the market to buy,and it also has very rich support for software,
 so no user development.

3. Import / export module input A / out module is a standard PC machine
 modules? Multifunction card, generally does not require users to their
own development. Input A / out module is CNC device and the outside
world data and information exchange in the interface board, the CNC
device in the CPU via the interface can access data from external input
devices, CNC devices can also be sent to an external output device data.
 If the computer motherboard is ALL? IN? ONE motherboard,
motherboard has integrated this feature because, this board can be omitted.

Above three parts, matched with the keyboard, power supply and chassis
, in fact, is a general-purpose micro-computer system,
this system is the core of CNC equipment. In a sense,
 their grades and performance determine the grade and performance of
 CNC equipment, thus, CNC Control Computer Subsystem rational use is essential.

4. E-Disk (memory module) is a CNC device-specific electronic disk storage module.
In the CNC device is used to store the following data and parameters:
inherent in the data system software and systems;
system configuration parameters
(the system can control the feed axes, axis definition, system gain, etc.);
the user's part processing.

In the CNC device, often electronic memory device as an external memory instead of
magnetic storage device, mainly on account of CNC devices work environment may be
electromagnetic interference, magnetic devices, low reliability, the electronic memory
device anti-electromagnetic interference is stronger in relative terms. Also because
of the electronic device storage unit is disk management by way of, so called electronic disk.

5. CNC system, PLC control module controls the equipment is divided into two categories:
 One is the speed of each axis and the position of "trajectory control";
the other is movement of equipment, "the order of control." To CNC machine tools
 The term "Sequence Control" means during the operation of CNC machine tools to
CNC machine tools of various internal and trip switches, sensors, buttons, and the
relay traffic signal state for the condition, according to a predetermined logical order
 such as spindle starting, stopping and reversing, the replacement tool, workpiece
 clamping, release, hydraulic, cooling, lubrication system operation control, etc..
CNC device in order to achieve the control module is the PLC control module.
 The module mainly receives from the operator panel, machine tools on the trip
switches, sensors, buttons, strong chest, electric relays, and spindle control,
tool control the signal, the corresponding treated control device operation.

6. Position control position control module is the module to the servo system
 into the important part is when the locus of control, CNC device and the servo drive system
(ArticlesBase SC #2871740)

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